Thursday, December 15, 2005

Success at last! Here is the beginning stages of Scream. You will see in the book at the back how small the pic was to begin. I photocopied it to A2 size (half of it A3 then other half and stuck it together) A2 is plan size photocopying so expensive as it needs special machine. I then traced the major elements onto vilene using a dark marker.Then I broke this into what I saw as the main elements. In this case there is top....the sky, the brooding colour below, the pier (the diagonal lines) the remaining right side and Scream will be last. Then I traced this tracing onto another piece of vilene. You can cut this into the pieces and use this to begin sewing snippets of fabric on but I actually used a third piece of vilene so I could have some overlap (more of that later). In the pic I have made two of the fabric bits, loads of pieces using the colours of the original pic......the yellowish piece is the sky and that is firstly sewn all over with straight stitching, accented with fancy stitches and painted with an oil stick(not shown in this photo. Over this I placed net to blend it all together. Same principle with the bit below.
I'll stop now to let you absorb that!


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